Overview of Professional Development Program
The professional development program has 7 components based on variables such as tenure, position and selection by the EC to participate. The following is a breakdown of each component. A broader description of each will follow this section.
- Core Training Program
- New Hires
- Skills Training Program
- All
- Career Enhancement Program (CEP)
- Interested applicants, 8mo min tenure
- Intensive Growth Program (IGP)
- Nominated by managers, approved by the EC, 1yr min tenure
- Management Training Program
- Warehouse managers/Corp supervisors
- Leadership Training Program
- Corp managers not in ALP
- Advanced Leadership Program (ALP)
- Invited by EC, 1 yr min tenure
Component 1: Core Training Program
This component is designed for new hire employees of Advantus. This program includes:
- Process Awareness
- Accounting 101
- Business Math
- Freight Manual
- Sexual Harassment
- Connection Point (current list only-additions may be made)
- Advantus History
- POI Basics
- China 101
- Advantus OS
- Getting to Know series
Component 2: Skills Training Program
In addition to completing the Core Training Program, all employees should complete the Skills Training Program. This program includes:
Connection Point (current list only-additions may be made)
- Accountability
- Business Writing Basics
- Thriving During Times of Change
- Art of Communication
- Productivity
- Taking Back Time
- Digitally Organized
Required reading list with at least 1 book to be completed on a quarterly basis.
Component 3: Career Enhancement Program (CEP)
This program is designed for employees who desire a better understanding of all aspects of our business and be afforded the opportunity to complete outside training. Interested employees must submit an application that includes a current resume and an essay outlining why he/she should be considered for the program. In addition to the application process, the following requirements must be met to participate in the CEP:
- Bachelor’s degree plus a minimum of 2 years’ work experience.
- Minimum of 8 months of employment with Advantus.
- Completion of at least 2 Process Awareness sessions.
This program includes the following elements:
Departmental Trainings
Participants will spend the first few months training in each department, working 1 -2 weeks in each of the departments:
- Sales & Marketing Administration
- Product & Sourcing
- Customer Service
- Accounting
- Supply Chain Management
- Warehouse – Shipping, Receiving, Production; Inv Control
- Compliance
Upon completion of the first segment, the company will identify the 3 departments best suited for the candidate. He/she will then spend approximately 3 months in each of the 3 departments identified, doing more intense, on-the-job training. At the end of each quarter, the candidate will spend a week at the warehouse to learn the different segments of the warehouse operation.
Management Trainings
Participants will be required to attend internal and off-site seminar trainings in general leadership and management skills as identified by management.
Required Readings
Participants will take part in quarterly discussions on each of the books on the company reading list.
Participants will be paired with a mentor for the program duration.
Adv North Training
Participants will travel to Wisconsin for training by the Advantus North team.
Successful completion of this year long program will be determined by the following criteria:
- Review of progress by department heads.
- Department test at the end of each segment.
- Participation in quarterly book discussions.
- Exit interview
Upon successful completion of the program, employees may be asked to manage special projects as needed and will be offered a full-time position within the company when one becomes available. If a candidate is not successful in completing the program, that candidate will be offered his/her original position, or similar, if available.
Component 4: Intensive Growth Program (IGP)
Participants of the IGP are nominated by management and approved by the EC to take part in the program. These are employees considered to have a high potential and real future growth at Advantus. In addition to being selected to participate, requirements for this program include:
- Must be employed at Advantus for a minimum of 1 year
- Must maintain ratings of exceeding expectations in annual reviews/job performance to remain in the program
- Must hold or be actively pursuing a Bachelor’s degree.
- Invitation to continue in the program is sent out on an annual basis (does not automatically renew)
- Program ends if the participant isn’t invited to continue by management or once the employee’s annual salary reaches a pre-determined level.
This program includes the following elements:
Individual Training Plan
An individual training plan is developed for the participant. This training plan can include required readings, internal core trainings, process awareness trainings and several management or leadership seminars.
Developmental Meetings
Participants will also be scheduled to spend 1-2 hours with each EC member each year in order to gain exposure to the overall management and operation of the business. The EC will meet with each participant in order to get an understanding of his/her career goals and help establish nearer term goals and objectives for progression. These meetings will be scheduled over the course of the first few months of the program.
EC Mentoring Sessions
Participants will meet once a month for 1 hour with a member of the EC. Participant is responsible for preparing topics, questions, and agenda.
Financial Incentive Bonus
Each year IGP participants will receive an annual incentive bonus for taking part in the program.
Component 5: Management Training Program
This program is designed for the Warehouse management team and Corporate supervisors. This program is to introduce key concepts that are required foundations in management. This program includes the following courses:
DISC Assessment & Training
Personality assessment that will help participants better understand themselves. Helps them understand how to identify other personalities on their team and how to work better with them.
Conflict Resolution
Discuss reasons why conflict arises, the 4 natural responses to conflict and the steps involved in resolving conflict.
Effective Interviewing Skills
Discuss how to bring consistency to the interview process. Discuss the balance between covering skill set, behavioral based responses and company culture questions. Briefly cover the legal do’s and don’ts of the process as well.
Performance Management
Discuss how to identify and address performance problems of an employee. Included topics are proper documentation and performance reviews. Discuss how to improve employee performance.
Communication Skills
Prior to meeting have participants review Connection Point: Art of Communication session. Discuss identifying common barriers and how to overcome them. Discuss how to communicate with tact while still being assertive and active listening skills.
Managing High Performing Teams
Tackle concepts on how to establish direction for the team, how to clarify expectations, foster commitment and create a supportive environment for the team. Discuss diminisher manager versus multiplier manager.
Component 6: Leadership Training Program
This program is designed for Corporate managers or selected high potential employees that will not be taking part in the Advanced Leadership Program. Requirements to participate in the program are as follows:
- Must maintain satisfactory annual reviews.
- Must maintain satisfactory job performance.
In addition to the topics covered in the Management Training Program, this program includes the following courses. Please note that the Leadership version of several of the Management Training Program courses are presented in a different format and more in-depth. This program also incorporates a quarterly book reading.
Explore the qualities that make a successful leader, and how to maximize those qualities for the benefit of the team/company.
Provide strategies on how to delegate effectively to improve organizational efficiency and discuss why it’s important.
Team Building
Open Forum
Teach participants to explore the different aspects of a team, and how to make the team a high-performing unit.
Cover coaching as a Performance Development tool best suited for interpersonal/soft skill development.
Workshop and 1-on-1 follow up
Discuss what it is, why it is important, how to live it and how to teach it.
Change Management
Discuss the natural stages and coping methods when change happens. Provide techniques to cope and lead staff effectively through the change process.
Building Trust & Cooperation
Open Forum
Cover how words and actions build trust in the workplace, and ways that leaders at all levels can build that trust.
Component 7: Advanced Leadership Program
This program is designed for employees selected to participate by the EC. Participation is by invitation only. The participant must agree to the terms of the program and invitation to continue in the program is at the discretion of the EC. Requirements to participate in the program are as follows:
- Must be employed at Advantus for a minimum of 1 year
- Must maintain a rating of Exceeding Expectations in annual reviews and job performance to remain in the program
- Employees who decline the invitation to participate in the ALP will be required to participate in Component 6, Leadership Training Program
In addition to the topics covered in the Leadership Program and expanded take away assignments from several of those courses, this program includes the following elements:
EC meetings
Open forum discussions with EC on long term company objectives/goals.
Participant Pairings
Participants complete a survey focused on identifying personal goals, strengths and weaknesses. Leadership Program subcommittee then reviews and designs pairings to help the participant balance one another. Participants pairings will meet with one another routinely throughout the program duration.
Acquisition exposure/AAR
Participants will take part in parts of the acquisition process.
Strategy Meetings
Participants will be invited to attend strategy meetings.
Division Updates
Participants will be invited to attend divisional update meetings.
Financial Incentive Bonus
Participants will receive an annual incentive bonus for taking part in the ALP.