Account Number: 417WLM (Direct Fulfill)
Customer: Wal-Mart
Shipping location: PBG 1-6
Contact: Steve Rindlisbacher
Backorders: No Backorders
D & D: Yes
Pass: Advantus15
You have a verification code that is sent to my cell: 904-655-6592
- Orders come in EDI into NS.
- Nothing is done to the order (unless there is an issue with the order like failed address).
- Orders are approved and released AUTOMATICALLY.
The only time you go on the portal is if you get an 860 to cancel an order.
On the main screen on the left-hand side go to the Dashboard:
Open up the dashboard. At the top of screen, go to Distribution Facility and in drop down and choose Petersburg:
Open this screen and you will see the PO numbers to cancel.
Once this is opened, you will see the pending cancellation screen. (We receive 860’s to cancel the orders)
For damaged, defective or unwanted items, the only thing we can do for the customer is send them to the Walmart website where they can log onto their account and print a return label. Walmart customer service does not have a phone number.
We cannot credit or replace a trunk because we have a D & D with Walmart.