Purpose: to detail the necessary steps for triggering ASN generation for POE orders once they have been routed in NRT.
- Locate the Shipping & Receiving tab in Netsuite, select Outside Warehouses then Outside Shipment Manager, Outside Domestic.
- Enter the TJX Master PO# into the search field and extend the date out to past the Sales Order’s Planned Ship Date.
- Check the boxes for all orders on the container and click “Set Bulk Update Filter”
- Update filters will populate below the list of orders. Change the Shipment Status to “POE Shipped from Port”
- Enter the container number in the Pro# and Load # fields.
- Change the Ship Via to Nation Retail Transportation (NART)
- Finally change the ship date (if necessary) and click the “Update Shipment(s) button.
- The update can take a little bit and the wheel will appear.
- When finished it will flash “Success – Shipment has been updated!”
- You will be returned to the main screen to repeat this task for another container or close the screen.
- When this is complete, locate the OUT Spreadsheet to notate ASN Kicked Off in the Notes column for the container.