- Order Processing Method: Manual Entry.
- Shipping Location: 12th.
- Ship Date Logic / Shipping Schedule: Varies, based off PO.
- Order / Order Release Schedule: Varies, based off PO.
- Contact: Tiffany K, James W.
- Backorder Process: Does not accept backorders.
- Release E-Mail Required: Yes.
- James or Tiffany will send an email containing the PO.
- Enter the shipping window in the internal notes field.
- In the example below, it would be “S/w: 10/25-30/2022.”
- The PO number in this example, highlighted below would be 10360651.
- Vendor Style # is the Advantus item number (highlighted, 39321).
- Enter unit cost (highlighted, 2.65) and quantity (highlighted 2400).
- Once entered, confirm with James and Tiffany by replying to the email sent with the PO.
- They will advise if it is ok to release or to keep on hold until inventory is in.
Additional Notes
- The orders will show on the weekly Empire Report sent out on Mondays.
- This report includes orders and lines that have a PSD date within the next 14 days.
- James or Tiffany will advise any changes that need to be made with this report.
- Report name: Order Line Status, Empire: Results