Retail Link-Product Offers for Imported Items

WM Retail Link

Product Offer

*Enter Product Offer BEFORE Quote*

Before beginning the product offer, gather information from Product Management and Sales on this template: S:Sales & MarketingCustomersWalmart_Product Offer_Template.xlsx

Login in to Retail Link & click on ā€œGlobal Specifications/Supplier Quotesā€

To enter a new Product Offer, hover mouse over ā€œQuoteā€ tab and select ā€œProduct Offerā€ from drop-down menu.

Using information from your spreadsheet, complete the following information and then click ā€œSaveā€:

  1. Purchase Company: Info supplied from Sales
  2. Supplier: For all office categories, select the first choice in the drop down
  3. Department: info supplied from Sales
  4. Quote Type: Hardline
  5. Credit Office: info supplied from Sales
  6. Buyer: info supplied from Sales
  7. Buy Trip: info supplied from Sales
  8. Product Description: varies
  9. Style/Vendor Stock Number: should be our item #
  10. Brand: Brand of the product
  11. Royalty Category: Based on brand selection
  12. Assortment Indicator: Y if the sku is an assortment of designs/colors, N for all else. If Y, you will need to know the item # and description for the children skus
  13. Product Comments: input the description of the item we are offering (include dims if you can) and any assortment info

Save! Then immediately check the box next to ā€œAdd Product Offer To My Home Pageā€ and write down this Product Offer Quote ID #!

Complete all sections in Duty Information and hit ā€œsaveā€:

  1. Material: Enter the main component of the material if the item has multiple materials
  2. Material Breakdown: same as Material Description; should be 100% unless otherwise stated
  3. Add the percentage and material first, then click add and repeat until at 100%. This will populate Material at the top of this section
  4. Net First Cost: Cost after 1% DA Allowance
  5. Duty Type: REGULAR

Complete all sections in Pack Information and hit ā€œsaveā€:

  1. Pack Type: CARTON(S)
  2. Container Load Quantity: how many master cartons fit in a container
  3. Container Size: What size container is PD using in their quote
  4. Supplier Quantity (eaches): usually this is our Master Carton, but verify
  5. Gross Weight (kilograms): Master Carton weight; make sure to convert from lbs Ć  kg!
  6. Volume (cubic meters): will populate once dimensions are input
  7. Warehouse Quantity (eaches): usually this is our Inner Pack, but verify
  8. Supplier Pack Dimensions (cm): Master Carton dimensions; make sure to convert from inches to cm!
  9. Warehouse Pack Dimensions (cm): Inner Pack dimensions; make sure to convert from inches to cm!

Complete all sections in Freight Information and hit ā€œsaveā€:

  1. Destination: Info supplied from Sales

Complete all sections in Costing Information and hit ā€œsaveā€:

  1. First Cost: cost before any programs or discounts
  2. Make sure that the NET FIRST COST is input & saved correctly in ā€œDuty Informationā€ section
  3. Select ā€œRecalculateā€, then hit ā€œsaveā€

If mockups or actual samples of the product exist, take a picture and save it to your desktop. Under the ā€œAttachmentsā€ section, select ā€œBrowseā€ and upload the image. In the comments section, list the item number and description. Then select ā€œUpdate Attachmentsā€.

Scroll to the top of the screen and select ā€œSaveā€. Then, click ā€œQuote Printā€ and save this product offer in the appropriate folder here: S:Sales & MarketingCustomersWalmart.

Add the quote number to the template for your reference and give to Sales.

Updated on June 18, 2021
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