At the beginning of each new quarter (Jan. 1, Apr. 1, July 1, Oct. 1), send an email to the department heads, executive team, and sales staff soliciting a list of wins for the previous quarter.
It’s time to report your quarterly wins.
The wins will be shared in our company newsletter, so be sure to share your most significant accomplishments in {insert the previous quarter}.
Remember, when submitting sales-related wins, the sale must be qualified, meaning Advantus has received a PO or a solid commitment. Please do not include sales numbers in your submissions for security purposes.
Department leaders, please share any project accomplishments or achievements for the quarter.
Please submit your wins no later than {enter deadline date – usually 15th of the first month of the new quarter}.
Thank you.
Once you have collected everyone’s wins, organize them as follows:
- For Sales wins, organize by Customer, then brand alphabetically.
- For Departmental wins, organize by department alphabetically.
Send to Kevin Carpenter to review. He will review to ensure the communication does not contain proprietary information.
Once approved, email the content with the below communication to Advantus-All. (BCC the group so they cannot “reply all”)
Subject: ___Q Wins
Hi all.
Quarterly, I send out updates to provide exposure and highlight some successes throughout the company. Please note that this communication’s information is proprietary, so please do not share or discuss it outside the company.
Please do not respond or “reply all” to this group communication to keep emails to a minimum. Thank you, and congratulations on all of your successes!
Wins by Division:
Departmental Wins:
Please share with those on your team who do not have access to email.