If you are aware of a fellow employee that will be out of work for an extended period of time and who may benefit from shared PTO, submit the request in writing to HR describing the situation and requesting PTO assistance for the individual.
- HR will review the request with the company President and/or Chief Operating Officer.
- If approved, a general announcement will be made asking for donations.
- The donated PTO time will be put into the employee’s bank and paid out via bi-weekly pay periods.
- The individual receiving PTO donations is required to use their personal PTO available prior to using donations.
- PTO cannot to be donated to someone who has an attendance problem or simply wants some time off. It must be a bona fide, qualified and approved hardship reason.
- The receiving employee must have had a good attendance record in order to qualify.
- Approval for donated PTO is at the discretion of the President and/or Chief Operating Officer.
- The individual must have a minimum of 3 months of employment with the company to qualify.
- In the event there is unused PTO in the employee’s bank when they return to work, it will be removed from their bank, and placed in an Advantus bank. The balance will be reserved for a future employee need. Donated time will not be returned to the employee who donated.
- Under HIPAA law, Advantus is unable to disclose the reasons for extended leave.