Matching Process
- Once the import is complete, the payment will group by Customer Group Name (parent or customer name with no parent) and the payment #
- If a payment # was not imported, the payment will not show on the Customer Remittance Manager (CRM)
- To correct, go to the Customer Remittances without Payment # saved search
- Add the payment number to the line(s)
- If a payment # was not imported, the payment will not show on the Customer Remittance Manager (CRM)
- A script will match the invoice number to the existing NetSuite invoice record
- For deductions, the script will update the deduction type for the customers will deduction rules setup
Update Missing/Incorrect Information
- Drill down using the blue hyperlinks under Payment #
- A new tab will open
Unmatched Lines
- Scroll down to the bottom of the search
- If the customer is not populated, the line is considered an unmatched line
- All unmatched lines will appear at the bottom
- For positive amounts, complete the following
- If the invoice number is known, select the Invoice
If there is no specific invoice, select the customer and enter the amount in the Overage field (see Overages section below)
- For negative amounts (aka deductions), select a customer and one of the following options:
- Invoice and Deduction Types Shortage or Direct Deduction
- Credit and Deduction Type Open Credit
- Deduction Type and Division
- For more information regarding the deduction types, refer to Deduction Types
- Optional: For deductions that create credit memos, you can add additional information for the credit memo line. Use field Memo to CM. The system will automatically use the Inv # and Desc (ex. 3100000 | POD/NO MERCHANDISE RECEIVED FOR INVOICE [0025])
- If the line is marked as an overage (highlighted in red) and the amount should be unapplied, enter that amount in the Overage field
Payment Method Update
- All imports default to ACH as the method
- If the method is different than ACH, update the Method field
- Select the Method in first row
- Select the correct method in the method drop down
- Hold down SHIFT
- Select the Method in last row
- Hit TAB