We occasionally receive performance awards from our customers, usually Staples.
These are logged similarly to a compliance fine with a negative fine amount.
- Create a new Compliance Fine Record
2. The required fields to fill out:
Fine Notification Date: The date the email was received from the customer
Customer Fine Number: VCQquarternumberINCENTIVEPAYvendornumber. A Fine Number for a performance reward received for Q4 for vendor number 138501 will be: VCQ42023INCENTIVEPAY138501
Reason For Fine: Incentive Payment
Violation Type: Performance Reward
Customer: enter the customer account that earned the reward. In this case, the email only included ADVANTUS CORPORATION (FL)ISD, which corresponds to more than one account. In this case, the Staples portal indicates the vendor code for that name is 138501:
Select the account that corresponds to the vendor number in the Staples Portal:
- 266091 – 44STADV, 44STCOM, 46STA (Art 101)
- 453761 – 01STA, 01STL (COP) Ships from 12th
- 267781 – 01STACOP, 01STAROP (COP-Artistic) Ships from 12th
- 138501 – 01STAH (COP) Ships from 12th; 02STAA (ADVII) Ships from Complete; 02STAP (ADV II) Ships from 12th
- 129111 – 01STAVIC (COP-Victory) Ships from E-Com; 01STLVIC, 01STLVICRTL (COP-Victory) Ships from 12th
- 016761 – 01STDSART (COP-Artistic) Ships from 12th
- 808 – 02SDI (ADV II – ISD) Direct Import
- 127681 – 02STA (ADVII-COP) Ships from Complete
- 150431 – 503STL (Bluelounge) Ships from SHW
In the above case, the only active account is 02STAP, and its division is ADV II (Advantus North).
Fine Responsibility: the division of the customer. The above case would be Advantus North
Amount of Fine: The NEGATIVE dollar amount of the amount awarded in the email. Incentive payments MUST be logged as a negative to indicate it is a credit.
Amount Approved: Enter the same dollar amount as the Amount of Fine. This should also be NEGATIVE.
Approved Date: the date this record is being created.
Fine Status: Approved
3. Add the email as a File attachment to the record.
A completed Incentive Payment entry should look like this: