LC Industries (408LCI)

Account: 408LCI

Contacts: John Beltran

Volume: low, steady, 5-10 orders/week.

Orders are received via EDI.

If there is a case pack issue, email John Beltran and ask him how to proceed. He will reach out to the customer and ask if it’s for a deployment. If it is, we can process out of case pack. If it’s not, we will wait for the store to tell us what qty to adjust the order to.

If there is a price variance, email John and ask him how to proceed.

Occasionally SHW shipping will email and say that their UPS Account number didn’t populate and ask CS to confirm. All you have to do is pull the location up in the ALT Addresses on the Customer record and look at the stored account number for the location.

Updated on December 13, 2022
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