

Customer: Houzz

Account number :415HOU

Shipping location: PBG 1-6

Backorders: Notify customer

Contact: Zach Baker

Portal:    https://www.houzz.com/pro/sewardtrunk/seward-trunk

User:    customerservice@mercuryluggage.com

Password:  Seward1878

Email orders@houzz.com for any questions you have.

Email sent to customerservice@mercuryluggage.com for new orders.  I also check the portal every day for new orders.

  1. Orders are manually entered into NS.
  2. Ship date is the next day
  3. Must enter tracking once order ships

Portal: Go to right hand corner and click on YOUR HOUZZ. You will get a drop down. Choose Vender Dashboard.

Once you choose Vendor Dashboard the below screen comes up and choose ORDERS.

The screen that comes up next has all the open orders.  Hit the view order, this gives information to get the order into NS. Save a copy of the order to NS. 

When View order button is hit, below is all the order information you need to get the order into NS.


After the order ships, you have to update tracking on the portal.  Go to ship Order which is located on your main page.

This is where you will update the tracking: After info entered hit ship.

Updated on October 12, 2022
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