417HAY – Hayneedle
Customer: Hayneedle
Account number: 417HAY
Shipping: PBG 1-6
Contact: Zach Baker
Portal: https://suppliers.hayneedle.com/
User: customerservice@mercuryluggage.com
Pass: Advantus#123
- Orders come in EDI to NS.
- Orders are released and approved automatically.
- I go on portal every day to make sure there are no issues. ( Like unresolved issues)
If there is an unresolved issue, it usually is a pending cancellation. If we can cancel the order in NS make the cancelation then cancel the order on the portal.
To mark the order as “cannot ship,” click on the OPEN/PAST DUE order link.
Click on your item number/click update SKU status button. Scroll to the right and check the box under “cannot ship” and then click the update affected orders button. Submit.