General Details
Customer Number(s): 01STA
Orders Received: ☒ EDI ☐ Email ☐ Portal Import ☐ Fax
Ship From Location: 12th St ECOM
Planned Ship Date: ☐ From Order Date* ☐ From Customer Ship Date*
☐ From Cancel Date* ☐ Day(s) of Week
☒ EDI Mapped Directly
*If “From” logic: ☐ Add # days ☐ Subtract # days
Same Day Shipping: ☐ Yes Cutoff Time: N/A ☒ No
Ship Via: UPS Ground
Freight Code: Third Party Billing but they receive Free Freight on orders over $1000
Order Processing Schedule: Orders Received On: Anytime
Orders Released On: Auto-Release
Orders Shipped On: Within 2 business days of order date
Customer Contacts: Schuna, Paige <>
Damaged & Defective Terms: N/A
Backorder/Partial Line Handling: Inform Customer of Backorders and Partials through their Portal
Order Confirmation Requirements: Orders should automatically be confirmed on their portal via EDI
Changes/Cancellations to PO: Check for Cancellation requests on their portal
Holiday Schedule/Requirements: N/A
Sales Order Processing
Approval Method: ☒ Auto ☐ Manual
Release Method: ☒ Auto ☐ Manual
Release Email Required: ☐ Yes ☒ No
Orders Must be Released together for pick jobs: ☐ Yes ☒ No
Validation Failure: Please list any common validation failure reasons and how to resolve.
If there are issues with the order Reject the order on the portal and give the reason for rejection. If for price variance you will have the option to input the correct price on the line you are rejecting once you give the reason as incorrect pricing.
Customer Portal Process: If customer has portal, please detail when and how it is used in the order process.
Pass: Advantus67!
The portal is split between ADVANTUS CORP. and Victory Light USA LLC for the 01STA and 01STAVIC accounts’ orders.
Orders are automatically acknowledged on the site and shipping information should also auto populate.
If any order comes in with a backorder, incorrect price, or obsolete item you will need to log into the portal and reject the line.
In some cases, rejecting the line will not immediately cancel the order and a cancellation request will be opened afterwards. The cancellation requests can be found on the dashboard of the website.
If there is a line that is backordered but the inventory is at 12th st. Put a hold reason as Future Allocation and add a Hold Note of Hold for Transfer. Inventory should be transferred over within a day. If it is not transferred in a timely manner reach out to the buyer/warehouse to have the inventory moved.
Customer Specific Process: Please outline any unique processes performed for this customer by Advantus. (Examples: Optional fields valued with specific data,
If orders arrive with Unknown EDI Items find the order on their portal and see if the item number listed under the Vendor Sku maches any of our products. If so update the item on the order and then go to the customer record. Under the Sales & Marketing tab look for the customer item details sublet.From there click the NEW ADV- Customer Item Detail and add the item and customer item number to their record.
Return Authorizations
Returns Allowed: ☐ Yes ☐ No
If so, please explain any existing customer specific details to the Return Authorization process.