44KOHL –
- Log into DSCO/Rithum
- On the lefthand side of the screen, click on the 3 horizontal lines and go down to Orders -> Shipment Pending
- Search PO # in search field and click “Search”
- Click on the PO #
- Scroll down to the Action section and click on “Change Order Status”
- Click “Cancelled”
If the order has NOT been released to the warehouse:
- Go to Netsuite and search PO in search field
- Click on “Close” and enter the reason why if cancelled by customer – select “Cancelled by Retailer Request.” If cancelled due to OOS, select “Item Out of Stock”)
The order is now closed in CommerceHub/Rithum and NetSuite
If the order HAS ALREADY been released to the warehouse:
- Email warehouse to cancel the order and wait for them to confirm back it has been cancelled on their end
- Go to NetSuite and search the PO in the search field
- Click “Edit” and go to the Admin Tab
- On the righthand side of the screen, UNCHECK “EDI 940/850 Sent”
- Hit “Save”
- Click on “Close” and enter the reason why if cancelled by customer – select “Cancelled by Retailer Request.” If cancelled due to OOS, select “Item Out of Stock”)
The order is now closed in DSCO/Rithum and NetSuite