Each month, Accounting will send an email notification that the budgets are ready to review in NS.
1. Log into NS.
2. Select the Managers role.
3. Select the Compliance Manager Budget Review
4. Select the appropriate date of review.
5. Click Refresh
6. Create a spreadsheet called Year Month Budget Review (Ex. 2023 07 Budget Review) with the following columns:
- Account #
- Account Description
- Actual YTD
- Budget YTD
- Variance
- % Variance
- Sustainable
- Comment
7. Complete the columns using the data in NS.
8. Save the file.
To prepare the monthly testing fees:
9. Scroll down and click on the My/My Team’s Approved Vendor Bills hyperlink.
10. Filter for the previous month
11. Export the file to Excel
12. Delete the following column.
- Status
- Date Created
- Invoice Date
- Due Date
- GL Date
13. Add a column for Division.
14. Sort by approver and remove any lines that are not testing fees.
15. Populate the Division column by viewing the record.
16. Create a pivot table with totals by division.
17. Save the file.
To prepare the noncompliance accrual detail:
- Navigate to the Noncompliance Accrual: Results saved search. https://5050497.app.netsuite.com/app/common/search/searchresults.nl?scrollid=4748&searchid=4748&refresh=&whence=
- Filter the results for last month
3. Click on the hyperlink of the Division
4. Export the results to Excel
5. Repeat for each division and create one master spreadsheet with one tab for each division.
6. Add a tab for Division Totals
- Navigate back to the Noncompliance Accrual: Results saved search.
- Export to Excel or copy onto a new tab on the spreadsheet created for the division totals.
7. Add a tab for Violation Type
- Hover over the Compliance tab and select Compliance Overview.
- Scroll to the Approved Fines by Violation Type suitlet.
- Populate the Violation Type tab on the spreadsheet.
8. Save the file.
Upon completion, send a copy of all three spreadsheets to the EC.
Copy your manager.
Send a copy of the Testing Fees spreadsheet and the Noncompliance spreadsheet to the C&H division head.