Customer #: 03TARDVS
Main Contact (Advantus): Tiffany Kindschy (ISD/North)
Main Contact (Target): Jeff Thrasher
Account is Auto-Approve/Release
- Ships from: 12th Street E-Com
- Orders come in through EDI – Various
- Ship Date Logic/Shipping Schedule: The ship date is set to ship 0 business days from the customer ship date
- Same Day Cut off: 11 AM
- D&D Policy: N/A
- Release Email Required: No
- Orders come in at any time so make sure to check the EDI range for new orders.
- If there are no issues (i.e., price variances, out of stock, etc.) then the order will auto-release.
- If you have an order that has an item showing as out of stock double check to make sure there is no inventory in 12th Street. If there is, 12th Street should have it moved to the E-Com location without us needing to request anything.
- If there is and the order has not been fulfilled to meet the ship date, please notify your supervisor.
- If the item is in backorder status contact Will Frandsen <> to have IT create an 855 IR cancellation using the reason code OUTOFSTOCK.
- This will soft cancel the order into a backordered status in Target’s system.
- Please also make sure the inventory feed is showing 0 available so this will remove any inventory from Target’s system.
- If there are bad address, contact Will to have IT create an 855 IR cancellation with the reason code “BADADDRESS.”
- Contact Jeff and CC: Tiffany.
- Subject: Address Verification Failure.
- Body: “I am reaching out to inform you (place PO # here) is being cancelled due to the address coming invalid. We have sent the information to our IT department as well. Feel free to contact me if there are any questions or if I can be of any further assistance.”