Some product lines choose to trademark specific product names. After naming brainstorming sessions, the P&S Specialist or Coordinator should perform a product name clearance before sending final ideas to for vetting.
Start with a basic google search for the product name suggested seeing if the name is already widely used.
- Search for the product name using the All, Shopping, and Images tabs.
- Search for the name with and without quotes.
- Ex. “Cable Drops” and Cable Drops
- Search for the “Product Name and Product Category/Type” in quotes .
- Ex. “Cable drop cable organizer”
- Search for “Product Name”/“Product Category” to return results where the product name and product category are used in the same sentence.
- Ex. “Cable drop”/“Organizer”
- Repeat each of the above search steps for similar product categories.
- Ex. A search for cable drops should also include a search for “Cable drop organizers” and “Cable drop cord holders”
- Repeat each of the above search steps for any similar spellings or misspellings of the potential name.
- Ex. If we were trying to clear Pixi, we would also search Pixie and Pixy.
- Repeat the above steps on and
- Note products with the same or similar name in the same or similar product category. Include a screenshot of the product listing and a summary that explains how the products and names are similar.
Next, perform a United States Patent and Trademark Office Search.
First, determine the International Class:
- Go to to see a list of each international class and determine which class the product falls under.
Next, perform a Trademark Search using the product name, keywords, and international class to see if the product name is already trademarked.
- Go to and perform a “Structured Search”
- Click on “Word and/or Design Mark Search (Structured)”
- Search the Product Name you want to clear in the first box marked “Search Term” and set the “Field” to “Full Mark.”
- Set the “Operator” to “AND”
- In the second “Search Term” box, put the International Class Number you found and set the “Field” to “International Class.”
Note: The International Class is always a three-digit number, so if we were searching for Pogo in Class 9, it is searched as “009”- A search for 9 instead of 009 will yield no results.
Review the results
- Click on the trademarks that are “LIVE” and in the same international class to review.
- Make a note of the live trademarks in the same international class and similar to the product to show Legal by taking a screenshot or saving the Trademark to a PDF.
- Compile all of the information from your Google searches and Trademark searches into a spreadsheet to send to Legal for review and name approval.
Note: During your search, if you find a product already exists and is trademarked with the same or similar name in the same or similar product category, make a note of it and search for alternative product names. We will not move forward with a name if it is already trademarked and used by a similar product in a similar category.