Customer: Wayfair
Account number: 417WAY
Contact Wayfair: Julia Malizia jmalizia@wayfair.com
Advantus Contact: Zach Baker
Portal: https://partners.wayfair.com/v/login/index
User: jcochran
Pass: Fall2022!
Backorders: See below
Shipping: PBG 1-6
- Orders come in EDI into NS
- Orders approve and release automatically
- I check the portal every day to make sure there are not pending alerts (cancellations)
If an item is out of stock go to the portal and put in expected date of restock.
- Under order management type in your po number. Hit search.
2. When the order comes up, click on the clip board beside the po number when you hoover over the po number. You will see copied to clip board.
3. Click on copied to clipboard. The screen that comes up hit submit order delay:
Once you hit that at the bottom of the screen, you will see what is reason for delay.
Fill out this information then submit.