WM Retail Link
Product Offer
*Enter Product Offer BEFORE Quote*
Before beginning the product offer, gather information from Product Management and Sales on this template: S:Sales & MarketingCustomersWalmart_Product Offer_Template.xlsx
Login in to Retail Link & click on āGlobal Specifications/Supplier Quotesā
To enter a new Product Offer, hover mouse over āQuoteā tab and select āProduct Offerā from drop-down menu.
Using information from your spreadsheet, complete the following information and then click āSaveā:
- Purchase Company: Info supplied from Sales
- Supplier: For all office categories, select the first choice in the drop down
- Department: info supplied from Sales
- Quote Type: Hardline
- Credit Office: info supplied from Sales
- Buyer: info supplied from Sales
- Buy Trip: info supplied from Sales
- Product Description: varies
- Style/Vendor Stock Number: should be our item #
- Brand: Brand of the product
- Royalty Category: Based on brand selection
- Assortment Indicator: Y if the sku is an assortment of designs/colors, N for all else. If Y, you will need to know the item # and description for the children skus
- Product Comments: input the description of the item we are offering (include dims if you can) and any assortment info
Save! Then immediately check the box next to āAdd Product Offer To My Home Pageā and write down this Product Offer Quote ID #!
Complete all sections in Duty Information and hit āsaveā:
- Material: Enter the main component of the material if the item has multiple materials
- Material Breakdown: same as Material Description; should be 100% unless otherwise stated
- Add the percentage and material first, then click add and repeat until at 100%. This will populate Material at the top of this section
- Net First Cost: Cost after 1% DA Allowance
- Duty Type: REGULAR
Complete all sections in Pack Information and hit āsaveā:
- Pack Type: CARTON(S)
- Container Load Quantity: how many master cartons fit in a container
- Container Size: What size container is PD using in their quote
- Supplier Quantity (eaches): usually this is our Master Carton, but verify
- Gross Weight (kilograms): Master Carton weight; make sure to convert from lbs Ć kg!
- Volume (cubic meters): will populate once dimensions are input
- Warehouse Quantity (eaches): usually this is our Inner Pack, but verify
- Supplier Pack Dimensions (cm): Master Carton dimensions; make sure to convert from inches to cm!
- Warehouse Pack Dimensions (cm): Inner Pack dimensions; make sure to convert from inches to cm!
Complete all sections in Freight Information and hit āsaveā:
- Destination: Info supplied from Sales
Complete all sections in Costing Information and hit āsaveā:
- First Cost: cost before any programs or discounts
- Make sure that the NET FIRST COST is input & saved correctly in āDuty Informationā section
- Select āRecalculateā, then hit āsaveā
If mockups or actual samples of the product exist, take a picture and save it to your desktop. Under the āAttachmentsā section, select āBrowseā and upload the image. In the comments section, list the item number and description. Then select āUpdate Attachmentsā.
Scroll to the top of the screen and select āSaveā. Then, click āQuote Printā and save this product offer in the appropriate folder here: S:Sales & MarketingCustomersWalmart.
Add the quote number to the template for your reference and give to Sales.